Empowering Beauty Education
Come learn about our advanced class offerings and take your career to the next level!

Upcoming Classes

30 Hr Advanced IPL Certification Class

30 Hour IPL Certification Class

When: May 13 – 16th

Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Cost: $1,500, deposit of $500 required

Each participant is required to bring 3 models.  

This MA state-approved hands-on course covers advanced IPL treatments, hair removal, skin rejuvenation, vascular lesion treatment, and acne clearance. Participants will learn step-by-step protocols, and safety measures, and gain practical experience to confidently administer IPL treatments with precision and efficacy
**For licensed Estheticians ONLY**
Diva K Chemical Peel Class

Add new skills and build your business!

At DivaK Advanced Aesthetics Institute we will prepare you to become a confident aesthetician with skills that will make you gain lifetime clientele.

Every class will have additional information on retail knowledge, business development and marketing to help you succeed in this growing industry and lead you to a successful and profitable career.

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